Troop 2 has a "Venture Crew" which goes on two or three high adventure trips each year. Scouts who have attained the rank of 1st Class are eligible for most of these trips. Certain trips are particularly challenging and are rated "A+" and to be eligible a scout must be at least Star rank and in ninth grade (unless approved by the Scoutmaster). Examples of previous Venture trips include back country skiing, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, a five day canoe Boundary Waters outing and a 50+ mile seven day backpacking trip over three mountain passes taking time out to climb three 14,000 foot mountains. These activities pull no punches. The toughest challenges are there to be met.  In 2003 on 23-29 July, we took a 53-Mile canoe trip down Green River in Utah, and repeated the same trip on 24-30 July 2004. Click the canoe for pictures and more info on this trip.  We are doing this trip again in 2006 on 10-16 July.

On July 7-15, 2005, we were going to the BSA Florida Sea Base for a sailing trip down the Florida Keys.  Due to the approach of Hurricane Dennis, Monroe County, Florida officials ordered a mandatory evacuation of the Florida Keys for all non-residents, beginning at 6 pm on Thursday, July 7, 2005.  Everyone in the Keys were asked not to return until Monday (11 July).  We rescheduled this trip and was able to go from 26 December to 3 January.  We sailed on the Indian Summer II (A 41 foot Morgan Out Islander) and our captain was Capt. Jennifer MacLean.  You can find out more about her on her website at Sunshine Coast Adventures. Click here for more information.

On July 9-17, 2005, another group took a 50 Miler Canoe Trip on the Missouri Breaks in Montana following the footsteps of Lewis and Clark.  Click here for more information.
Click here to see an article on this trip from the Scouting Magazine.

We are going to Philmont on July 5 through July 17, 2007. We have space for 16 Scouts and 4 Scouters.  The 2007 fee is $540 per participant.  A non-refundable, non-transferable reservation fee of $50.00 is due to the troop by February 13, 2007.  A payment of $245 per person is then due to the troop not later than September 26 1, 2006 and the balance of $245 is due 26 February, 2007.  The minimum age to attend Philmont is 14 by January 1, 2007 OR have completed the eighth grade and be at least 13 prior to participation, without exception. Scouts must be height/weight proportionate.  No one over 295 lbs. is allowed regardless of age or height (due to limitations of rescue equipment).  Right now we have 11 Scouts and 4 Scouters signed up.  Click here for more info on Philmont
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