If you are considering joining Troop 2, simply show up to a meeting and check us out (see calendar). When you are ready to sign up, here is some information to guide you...
We're glad you've chosen Boy Scouts of America and TROOP 2! We are confident that your sons scouting career will be both challenging and rewarding.
Getting started. Troop 2 provides:
- Neckerchief
- Green Shoulder Loops (used to be red)
- Green # 2
- 100 year patch - you have joined the oldest continuously chartered troop in west of the Mississippi! Chartered Oct,1 1917
- Troop notebook w/ dividers and card pockets.
- Calendar / Roster of scouts and adult leaders.
- Equipment lists and various handouts.
You will need to purchase:
- The Boy Scout Handbook2016 Edition
- Council patch
- Merit badge sash (don't need right away)
get the 36" long sash
Boy Scout supplier:
Hibbard Scout Shop - 985 W. Fillmore
Phone Number - (719) 634-4342
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday
Note: BSA pants, socks, belt & hat are optional.
Most boys save their money for outdoor gear.
Parents: Please read the New Member Package (supplied by Troop 2 at meetings).
Complete the Troop 2 forms as indicated therein. Returning the Troop 2 forms, along with a completed BSA "Brown" Form and dues completes the joining process.
Note: Forms can be downloaded in the "Forms" section.
Scouts Earn your Green Neckerchief! How?
1.Turn in your completed Boy Scout application, and pay Troop dues.
2.Turn in BSA Health forms A & B, signed by your parent or guardian.
4.Participate in a Scoutmaster Conference.
a.Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance.
b.Demonstrate the Scout sign, salute, and handshake.
c.Understand and agree to live by the
Welcome to Troop 2!