Wilderness Use Policy of the Boy Scouts of America

All private or publicly owned backcountry land and designated wildernesses are included in the term wilderness area in this policy. The outdoor code of the Boy Scouts of America applies to outdoor behavior generally, but for treks into wilderness areas minimum impact camping methods must be used. Within the outdoor program of the Boy Scouts of America, there are many different camping skill levels. Camping practices that are appropriate for day outings, long-term Scout Camp, or short-term unit camping do not apply to wilderness areas. Scouts and Explorers need to adopt attitudes and patterns of behavior, wherever they go, that respect the rights of others, including future generations, to enjoy the outdoors.

In wilderness areas, it is crucial to minimize our impact on particularly fragile ecosystems such as mountains, lakes, streams, deserts, and seashores. Since our impact varies from one season of the year to the next, it becomes important for us to adjust to these changing conditions as well, to avoid damaging the environment.

The Boy Scouts of America emphasizes these practices for all troops and posts planning to use wilderness areas:

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